

As a business owner or Managing Director you know that nobody understands your business like you do. And you’d be right. So what can a Mentor bring?

As the business owner you know that nobody understands your business like you do. And you’d be right. As a Managing Director you are completely in touch with the day-to-day running of the business and focused on keeping it moving forwards. You believe you have a depth of knowledge gained by hard experience. And you’d be right.

So what value can a Mentor bring?

A Mentor can offer advice and their experience on particular business challenges and opportunities.

Working with a Mentor can give you the chance to pause, take a breath, and review your business with an invaluable new perspective.

My focus as a Mentor is to first ensure I understand the business aims and operation and sometimes more importantly, the people involved. This should involve understanding the strengths and capabilities of all team members.

The next focus is to bring together an action plan based on where the business wants to go, and including roles and responsibilities of team members to move it forward.

By drawing on my experience and network of contacts I can contribute to solutions and plans that will make a real difference to your business.


About the author

Chris Swift administrator

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